Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Preparing for Parenthood Class

Friday night and Saturday, Amy and I took a crash course in parenting at St. Vincent's. They taught us everything we needed to know to be parents. Yeah right. They did cover some major topics such as safety, labor, delivery, bathing baby, etc. They also thought it would be helpful if I put on a 25 lb. "empathy belly", complete with bosom. It was very heavy, and I am very empathetic now. I am actually holding the belly in the picture b/c I really felt like it was going to bend me over. I grabbed my boobs one time trying to keep myself up. That got a nice reaction from the crowd. After lunch on Saturday we toured the birthing suites. They were very nice, at least the nicest that I have ever been in. Just think, we'll be there in less than 2 months!

After the tour we got to practice bathing and diaper changing. I've actually changed a diaper before, but never bathed a baby, much less an infant. It was pretty easy to catch on, but this baby was very well behaved. Among the things we learned is that (since we are 25 minutes away) we should leave for the hospital when the contractions are 10 minutes apart, though I can't imagine waiting until that point. I'll be ready to go when she has the 1st contraction! One thing I have to mention is that Amy was one of 7 Amy's in the class. There were only 18 couples in the whole class. Also, 11 were expecting girls and 7 expecting boys. Almost all were going to be first time parents, but there was one couple expecting their 3rd child. Their youngest is now 12, so they felt like they could use a refresher course. Overall, we thought it was a very helpful class, and our pregnant teacher/nurse did a great job, but I'm really looking forward to on-the-job training.

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